Wednesday, March 31, 2010

as of late.

since art is my passion, i feel like i should share some of my recent work with you. since fall semester in drawing i am now in two more art classes, 2D design and 3D...gotta love studio classes! anyways here is some of my work from those classes...enjoy.

This is a wall piece I made for 3D design. It is five separate parts that were combined into one. The weird thing sticking out in the middle is a branch-like structure i added to create some kind of visual interest. originally the assignment was to create implied motion without the object actually moving. did i succeed?

For 2D design, its hard to see the colors (much better in person) but this painting was comprised only using two complimentary colors (yellow and purple) and black and white. It is quite a large painting in real least 3' x 4'

I did this on my own aside from an art class. Its one of my collage pieces that I have been doing for the last almost two years. This one is different from past works since i hand drew the mirrors in the center.

Thats just a few of the many things i haven been hard at work on. right now i am thinking of undertaking a project for my room at home...oh! random story time.

i am now living at home (no more lissner hall) in order to save money on housing costs . it actually works out quite well and i love it, but anyways the point of that bit of news ties into the fact that i am thinking of making all new art for my walls at home. i am thinking of makind boards again (what i call my collage art) that depict my innermost feelings. a potentially daunting/revealing task. but it would serve the purpose of showing who i am, which is what i think a room (specifically YOUR room) is supposed to say.

well there ya go,

annie em.

ps...another new thing that i am starting is another blog with four of my other closest friends. we just started it last night, so there probably wont be much on there, but check us out and follow us!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

its about time.

the weather has FINALLY decided to get nicer. it must have known me deepest wish...

good things about spring...

1. cute sundresses
2. (sometimes) running outside
3. beautiful weather; not too cold, not too hot...just perfect.
4. listening to spring-inspired playlists
5. being outside
6. the smell
7. feeling a lightness of heart
8. goodbye dreary winter

there are many more of which i cannot exactly think of at the moment, but all i know is that the weather seems to have had quite a drastic impact on my mood. there is something about knowing you are not confined to the indoors anymore that can free a person. its amazing! even though life is still by no means any slower or any easier, it is good to know that there is one thing that is going right at least.

ps....i have decided that i am going to start posting more blogs and actually sticking to my original ideas of posting cool/interesting topics.

stay tuned,
annie em.

Monday, March 15, 2010

spring boring-ness.

today is spring break.
i have one day off the whole break and its tomorrow...
other than that i work every single day from 4pm to whenever.
at least its money but it pales significantly in comparison to last years spring break. sigh...

stuck at home,
annie em.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

warwick avenue.

song by duffy.

describes my life.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


have you ever gotten to that point when you realize that life just sucks?
it seems to have come to that point.

annie em.

Monday, March 1, 2010

when it all falls apart.

why is it that we take the little things for granted. everyday normal things, like even having a job.

its amazing how much we brush off these things to mean nothing when they really mean the world to us. then when they are taken away it makes us realize how stupid we were to think that nothing would ever go wrong.

just a musing as i sit in the library at school wondering what will happen now

annie em.