Monday, September 14, 2009


I would just like to say that I am fairly sure that this blogging thing is going to be highly addicting and will most likely contribute to my quantities of unfinished homework (uh oh). I have already made a list of nearly 20 things that I eventually want to write a blog about. Let's just say that I will probably have to have Nadia hide my computer from me at some point to avoid temptation...

While we are on the topic of procrastination, another thing that will aid this unfinished homework is the Facebook application Farmville (ridiculous I know). Who knew such a dumb little farming game could be so frickin addicting. The goal is to get to level 20 and I know I won't rest until I am there, sadly enough.

What is Farmville you may ask? is mostly what it sounds like. A farming game thing where you can grow crops and have animals.

Now that I have admitted to this stupid little game obsession and feel slightly retarded I can say that another more respectable distraction of mine is most definitely music. If I get unmotivated enough to do homework, then I will revert to going and searching band biographies on Wikipedia or surfing iTunes for new music.

I must also mention a new term I heard today from a good friend of mine, Justin Nelson, which describes people who have good music taste.

music snob - adj. (def) a person who believes their music taste is superior to all others

Ha. What a great definition. However, I cannot brag about being a music snob because I tend to like pretty much every genre of music...including all the bad and cheesy stuff, so I unfortunately cannot call myself a 'music snob'. Oh well. Is that a good thing? I'm not so sure.

I can also quite frequently get distracted by nothing in particular. I just do random things in order to avoid doing my homework, like right now. Spanish, College Algebra, Art History, Drawing and other things all beckon but what am I doing instead? Well this obviously...but as it would turn out I actually do have to go do something productive right now. I'm going to go help my friend Kevin with his Spanish homework and hopefully get some of mine done too. So I am off to East (if I can find it) and then off to work.

Homework calls my name,
annie em

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