here i am...having completed my first day a la escuela nueva. it feels slightly odd to be not returning back to the place i have gone to school the past two years. but nonetheless i feel much freer than i ever did at bethel.
i love my language classes already and tomrorow is the first day of my art ones. it seems that life is more enjoyable knowing i can pay for school and begin to save for where i really want to spend
my time and money...
possible options are:
Judson University in chicago
Madison University (WI)
and thats about all i got right now.
AR is only a temporary fix until i find what really matters.
so anyways
i think this calls for a little random deviation from the natural topic of this blog...
subject change to...
i have recently (over the past few months) developed a fascination with asian culture and yes, one of my guily pleasures has become kpop music (korean pop)
some may call this slightly dorky, but i can tell you that it is addicting and highly what does kyuhyun have to do about all of this?
well glad you would ask!
he just so happens to be a very sexy member in one of the largest kpop groups, super junior....
(he is the one in the middle)

so summarize. korean = pretty damn sexy.
there is proof.
it adds to my desire to go visit korea ^_^
just a little sparkle for your day,
annie em
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