we share the easter story with whoever decides to come and of course we sugar the kids up and send them home. amid the pastel eggs that invade the yards, me, jordan, steph, aubrey and brielle hung out and had a good time being out normal goofy selves.

yeah...well aside from the fact that i have had way too much sugar in the past few days, i would say easter break has been fairly productive.
so i guess i should find a cool point to add to this blog. hmmm lets see.
one of the most recent brilliant (but delayed) discoveries i have had is the band Fair. I say delayed because i have had their cd in my iTunes for well over a year, but i finally just listened to it over this past week. one word. AMAZING
lets explore this band.
band: Fair, the creation of acclaimed Tooth & Nail producer Aaron Sprinkle, who is the lead singer of the band. so their first album The Best Worst-Case Scenario is the one i have been listening too (2006) but i just discovered that they released a new album this year! Eeek! oh the joys... the new album is called Disappearing World. i havent had a chance to listen to it yet, but i want to as soon as possible. honestly what makes or breaks a band is seriously lyrics. yes, i am guilty of liking cheesy bands who have no lyrical diversity whatsoever, but when it comes down to it, i truly love all the bands who have amazing lyrics. ones that describe your feelings in a way you would never think of. think of how much better music would be these days if people actually tried to get away from cliche and attempt realness and beauty in writing. aaron sprinkle definitely hits the nail on the head with that one.
just to give you an idea of who aaron sprinkle is, he produces a lot of Tooth & Nail bands (including Anberlin, my favorite band of all time) while writing his own stuff on the side. amazing. to say the least, they are my newest discovery. i would compare them to This Providence by closest comparison.
a challenge for everyone out there: finally listen to that cd by the band that has been sitting in your library just waiting to be discovered. i have found some of my favorite songs/artists this way. although maybe this should serve as my lesson that an 8,000 song library might just be too big. but i cant help it. i just love music too much! so go discover something great!
be inspired,
annie em
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