its the end of november almost. how time seems to fly by. i look back and wonder where the semester went...but at the same time it seems so long ago that i was bored every day of the summer, sitting around just waiting for something to happen. i dont completely understand it, but maybe we're not meant to grasp that concept i just dont know.
this weekend turned out a lot better than i would have thought (even though it was spent at home) brielle came over and me, her and steph watched movies last night. can i just say that johnny depp is frickin sexy as edward scissorhands...
odd, but true
i have no idea why i think that but i do.
me and bri stayed up super late catching up and talking about life and such. i always have such good conversations with her and it only makes me miss my best friend that much more when i am at school.
now im just kind of bumming around the house (i should be starting my last drawing soon, but i needed to write before i did anything else.
random new things...
major: art (studio emphasis?)
minor: spanish / journalism
current favorite movie: elf, yes man or edward scissorhands (could those be more different?)
to say the least i cannot wait to get back to school. sometimes i cant stand being here at home. i wish i could take the things i really missed back to school with ross and steph. and maybe sammy. then i wouldnt need to come back home ever at all.
i cant wait until i can move out and be on my own. it sounds like heaven right about now. i wouldnt mind moving half way across the country either...or world for that matter. i want to be my own person and find who i am more than anything. sometimes its so overwhelming that i dont know where the heck i am going in life or what exactly i am going to do. but then again at the same time its kind of cool that im just taking life as it comes. i guess we will see. there is so much yet to come and so much that i want to accomplish.
well, this was a random post if i ever saw one. i guess thats what happens when you stay up too late and are trying to put off massive piles of homework (im sensing a pattern...) anyways, i suppose its time to 'do work' as my friend Justin would say. im out.
annie em.
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